Karl ZahnKarl From New Hampshire



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This is what makes the charity rides I give each year all worthwhile. These folks had one a free plane ride that I offered for a fundraiser for a new public playground in Nashua, NH:

Here, at my own peril, I invite you, my loyal follower, to post your own column or announce your own product for $29.95. You may expect on a regular basis to hear from "Cousin Rob". Be cognizant that in Italian families the title of "cousin" has wide parameters. In this case, it is a mutant DNA strand. My cousin, Rob, left that cold, gray hell of New Hampshire for the warm and sunny climes of Ft. Meyers many years ago, never to return. This week, he makes his virgin appearance as the model in his "Elasti-Free Cell Phone"....price...$29.95 all day long.

Innkeeper, Bud Zahn, led life full of endless energy, stories

Article about Karl's father published Jan. 29, 2007 in the Nashua Telegraph by David Brooks